How to order

Please kindly note that placing an order through the website does not confirm your order, therefore please contact us first. ( to check on the product availability, florists’ schedules, and delivery charges)

Choose the styles and color combinations that you prefer. In case you have any specific preferences such as the flower types, sizes, stem lengths or wrapping styles, please let us know before making purchases. 

After making your selection, please contact us through one of the either ways below before making any purchases :

    1. The inquiry form on the website or email us
    2. Line official account @bouquetfloralbkk
    3. Instagram account DM @bouquetfloralstudio
    4. Facebook Inbox

Discuss your preferences with us and we will confirm your order.

Let us know the delivery date, time, and contact details of the recipient.

We also have blank cards available or we can write the messages on the card for you.

How to make a payment

We only accept cash and bank transfer. If you would like to make the payment by credit card, we do accept it through PayPal. We will send you the payment link and the 5% additional fees will be charges.

After the payment is received, we will notify you and confirm the payment. In the case that you request for the tax receipt, the additional of VAT 7% will be added and calculated at the time of purchase. Therefore, please let us know and we will issue the tax receipt for you.